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Fulfilment groups

Group your customers by delivery run and easily print and export reports

Linda Holman avatar
Written by Linda Holman
Updated over 5 months ago

Fulfilment groups are a flexible way to manage your customers. You can apply different settings to groups of customers to give them targeted delivery options. You can also filter orders by fulfilment group, and export and print delivery runs right from the orders list.

Quick links

Edit the Default fulfilment group

Go to Settings > Fulfilment groups to get started.

There is a default group that you can edit. Tap to open it and edit the settings.

There are three main settings you can change:

Delivery schedule

This is where you select the available delivery days, plus the cut-off time and day for orders. Check out this article for more info.

Minimum order value

You can set a minimum order amount for the customers in this group. See this article for more info.

Ordering note for customers

You can add a note that each customer in this group will see when they are creating an order. This article has more info.

Tip: with the introduction of fulfilment groups some settings are moving out of the Order settings page. If you would like help to set these up, please chat with our team.

Add and edit other fulfilment groups

Tip: All plans give you the ability to edit the default fulfilment group. If you want to make other fulfilment groups with different settings, you'll need to be on our Logistics plan.

From the main Settings > Fulfilment groups page you can add more groups. To rename, edit or delete a group, tap to open.

Renaming: you can either tap on the name or the three dots and select Rename.

Editing: start making changes and click Save when you're done

Deleting: tap in the three dots and select Delete. If you have customers assigned to this group, deleting the group will move them all back to the Default group.

Add customers to fulfilment groups

There are two ways to add customers to a fulfilment group, either in bulk or individually.

Bulk-adding customers to a group

To add customers in the Settings > Fulfilment groups page, open the "Customers" tab and select Choose customers. Select those you'd like to move and then tap the Save button.

Individually changing a customer's group

To change an individual customer's fulfilment group, go to Customers > [customer] > Settings. Update the Fulfilment group and save.

Tip: changes to the fulfilment group for a customer do not affect their existing orders, only those made after the change.

You can see the fulfilment group (plus other helpful information) for each customer on the Customers > Trading list.

Change the fulfilment group on an individual order

You can change the fulfilment group on individual orders by clicking into the order and changing the fulfilment group drop-down - that's the one with the icon of a truck.

Tip: Changing the fulfilment group on an existing order only changes the group for filtering and reporting, it makes no other changes to the order in terms of delivery date, minimum value, or comment. It also doesn't change any future orders for that same customer, only that one order is changed.

Setting the fulfilment group when accepting a buyer invite

When accepting an invite from a new customer you can choose various settings like Price list, Payment terms, and now the fulfilment group too. This is a quick and easy way to get new customers set up exactly how you want, so it's a good idea to get your fulfilment groups set up asap!

Filter and report by fulfilment group on the orders list

You can filter the orders list to show you only the orders from a specific fulfilment group or groups, and from there print packing slips and create delivery reports.

The order list filtering is a quick way to show only the orders relevant to your current task, for example, if you want to print packing slips and a Delivery run report for the approved orders from a particular fulfilment group that are due for delivery tomorrow, this is the place to do that.


To show the filter button, go to the Orders list > All tab. Make sure none of the orders are selected already. Tap the the Filter button and select the combination of settings that reflect what you want to see. For the example above you would choose:

  • Order status: Processing

  • Delivery due date: Tomorrow

  • Fulfilment group: [select your group]

This will then display all the orders that match these criteria. Read this article for more detail about using filtering.

Printing and reporting

Once you have your orders filtered, then you can print packing slips or reports directly from the orders list - no need to go to the Reports page!

Select the orders you want to print or export and you'll see the Update, Print, and Export buttons appear. The Update button allows you to bulk approve or ship. Tapping the Print button will open this pop-up window.

From here you can print packing slips, or the delivery run or production report. If you select a few of the options they will all print together in one file. You can preview the file before it prints to make sure it's all set up how you want it.

You can opt whether to mark the orders as printed (where the little printer icon is added to the orders list) or not. If you want to download a PDF rather than print directly to the printer you can do that here too.

Tip: If you're printing multiple packing slips together on a double-sided printer, make sure to tick the 'Double sided' option in the Upstock print window.

This option inserts blank pages as needed into the file so the packing slips remain separate. Note: you still need to select the double-sided option in your printer's settings.

What your customers will see

Your customers aren't aware that there are different fulfilment groups, they will just see the relevant settings for the group they are in. Customers aren't alerted by Upstock when you change their fulfilment group.

Supplier profile

When viewing your profile in Upstock they will see the Ordering note and the Delivery days & cut off times relating to the fulfilment group they are in.

Buyer orders

When making an order the buyer will see the Ordering note, and if you have set a Minimum order value on their fulfilment group and their order comes in under that, then they will see notification about how much they need to add to the order to get it over the minimum.

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