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Order views and filters for suppliers
Order views and filters for suppliers

Use pre-set views and filters to show only the orders you need to see

Linda Holman avatar
Written by Linda Holman
Updated over a week ago

When viewing the orders list you can choose which orders you'd like see. There is a mix of pre-sets you can access via tabs, plus powerful filters you can apply.



This tab shows all the orders ever processed in Upstock. (This is the same as "All orders" in the old view).

Tip: you can click on the 'Order number' or 'Delivery due' columns to re-order them high-low or low-high.

Due today

A quick way to view all of the orders that are due for delivery today, even if they've already been marked as shipped. (This is the same as Any status + Today in the old view).


This is where you'll find all the scheduled standing orders - they're the ones that customers are able to edit before they come through to you for approval. Once the customer has finalised it, it'll move into the Ordered tab.


Here are all the Buyer-initiated orders, ready for you to approve them.


Once an order has been approved but has not yet been shipped it will show in this tab.


This tab shows you all the orders that have a problem - things like failed payments, customer-reported problems, or order errors.

Tip: cancelled orders are not shown in the tab views for Scheduled, Ordered, Processing, or Issues. If you want to see cancelled orders, you can use the filters as described below.


From the 'All' tab, click the 'Filter' button to open the filter picker. You can make selections in all of these sections, or just leave them blank if they aren't relevant to your search.

Order status

This is where you can choose any combination of statuses. For example, you could choose to view all the scheduled, ordered and cancelled orders.

Delivery due date

You can select a pre-saved option (any, today, or tomorrow), or a custom date range.

Fulfilment group

You can choose to display orders from specific fulfilment group/s, and from there print packing slips and create delivery reports.

Fulfilment groups is a new feature that is not yet on general release. We expect to release it to all users in early June 2024. If you would like a demo or to talk through your options, please chat with the team.

Payment status

Here you can choose any combination of payment statuses: unpaid, payment processing, paid, or failed.


This is where you can opt to view just one, or a combination of the three types of order issues: failed payment, order error, or customer-reported issues.

Order provider

If you are accepting Foodstuffs and Woolworths orders, you'll be able to filter by these orders.

So, if you wanted to see all the ordered and processing (approved) orders for the next three days you would select Fulfilment status: Ordered and Processing; Delivery due date: Custom range; and leave the other sections blank. Click the Apply button to view the orders.

Update, Print, Download, and Export from the orders list

From any of the views, clicking the tick box to the left of any order will bring up four buttons: Update, Print, Download, and Export. You can action these on individual orders or groups of orders. Note: the Update button will only show when you have actions you can do on the selected order/s.


From this button you can approve or mark the orders as shipped.

Tip: we do not recommend approving or shipping large numbers of orders in one go. Smaller groups are better and make it easier to spot any issues.


This will print the packing slip for the selected order/s. You can also print reports, choose whether to mark orders as printed, and download a PDF version of the file. See this article for more info.

These extended print capabilities are a new feature that is not yet on general release. We expect to release it to all users in early June 2024. If you would like a demo or to talk through your options, please chat with the team.

Tip: If you would like to print any attached invoices you need to open the order and select 'Print' from the three dot menu at the top right.


This will export a file with the selected order/s. You can choose the format depending on what you plan to do with the file. These are the same options as are available in the Orders Export Report.

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