You can add a short note to customers, detailing anything important about your ordering process. This might include:
Freight charges
Cut-off times for orders
Delivery days
How long delivery will take
Minimum order quantities
A link to your terms of trade
To add a note, go to Settings > Fulfilment groups and choose the group you'd like to add a note to.
Fulfilment groups is a new feature that is not yet on general release. We expect to release it to all users in early June 2024. In the mean time you can find this note in the Order settings.
How will it appear to customers?
Your note will be shown to customers when they confirm an order. Here's an example of what they'll see:
Including links
To include a link, enter the website site address with https:// or http:// at the start. This will be shown as a link to customers:
Remember to include a space before and after the website address. Any punctuation at the very end will be excluded from the link.